When do you shovel your drive when living in the wilderness?
So it starts to snow, but no biggie, I have no desire to go anywhere. I'm sitting on
my couch, covered in a big fluffy blanket, with big fat wool socks on, a hot cup of cocoa in my hand. There is a big picture window with big fluffy flakes twirling down...

Hours later the snow is still falling in a steady stream and the inches are piling up outside. Eventually nature forces me out of the cabin on a small but significant hike to the outhouse, which is when it really dawns on me how deep the snow has become since morning. I head back inside, careful to step in the same boot prints I made coming out to keep as much snow as possible from cresting over the top of my boots on my return trip.
I arise the next morning to discover that Jack frost was up all night playing snow globe and there's an additional foot on top of the previous days snowfall. I look at my truck, looking alot more like a ski hill than a 4x4 FORD, and give a brief but unsubstantial thought to the shovel leaning against the outhouse door... It looks like it has my name on it, but hard to tell from the window. Maybe it'll choose someone else if I ignore it long enough! By noon I've decided that I need to at least shovel out the outhouse path and unbury the generator...just incase there's any emergency concerning either one. I still give no thought to the driveway though. Still no desire to go anywhere. I do vaguely notice that I can just barely see the tops of the tires...
I've been busy baking, keeping warm and the snowflakes keep coming down. The sun is brightly shining through the veil of blizzardy snow flakes, so big they fall like waffles or kites from the sky wafting back and forth twirling as they fall. Its mesmerizing to watch them descend sparkling in the morning sunshine. How is it that the sun can shine so brightly with so many snowflakes crowding each other on their decent from the heavens? Opening the door to throw out the dish water I notice a new accumulation of about 6 more inches!

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